Don't Waste Time With Dustbins!

Rubbish strewn around a dustbin in Brighton
Dustbins - a waste of time?

You will find, in many clean and well kempt towns such as Worthing, Brighton And Hove's better-looking neighbour, that it is common to put litter and rubbish in the dustbins and garbage receptacles provided by the local council. In Brighton And Hove, we know that that is too much like hard work, and is quite literally (litterally?) a waste of time.

Though some of the fitter residents do manage to carry their waste to a suitable collection point, many are too infirm from their over indulgence in drugs and alcohol to be able to walk all the way there. Instead, the common folk of the city prefer just to drop their rubbish as near as they can muster to a suitable recycling point, but not actually put it inside. Lifting up heavy bags full of ready meal packaging, used condoms and threatening overdue bills is just too much effort for most.

Green Party logoBut don't worry, Brighton has a Green Party MP who, once she has finished sitting around watering plants for the day, walks around the city picking up the mess and putting it into the available garbage cans. Not only this, but as a certified environmentalist, she will also separate out the recyclables from the general waste for you, so there's no need to bother doing this yourself.